About Us
​MLCS Corporate (“MLCS”) was established in February 1992 to provide strategic and financial advice to a wide variety of clients involved in a broad range of industries. With extensive experience in tourism, finance, banking & investment services, property, mining, retail, manufacturing, agricultural & natural resources, MLCS has attracted a highly experienced team of Directors and Consultants.
Providing corporate advisory, taxation & accounting, audit, strategic & business planning, Native Title negotiation & advice and financial planning services, together with a range of other business services MLCS have a reputation for delivering high quality strategic and financial advice tailored to each assignment.
MLCS engages with a variety of clients and also have extensive experience working closely with Aboriginal communities and Corporations across Australia providing advice and mentoring on a wide range of issues. We regularly travel to meet our clients, regardless of their location, to ensure we meet face to face in their surroundings to clearly discuss and explain the work we have been engaged to perform.
We undertake Executive Office services for a number of indigenous charitable Trusts assisting with the administration and management of the funds.
Our clients are spread throughout Australia, including many in remote areas. MLCS provide clients with lateral, realistic and dependable advice and analysis supported by flexible service arrangements designed to meet their requirements.
Our experienced team brings to each assignment a depth of expertise and experience combined with practical innovative thinking.
Why MLCS Corporate?
MLCS is large enough to have all the knowledge, experience and contacts that your situation may require, but importantly it is small enough to work with you on a personal basis. It is these relationships that make the difference.
We listen carefully so we can serve and support our clients as a trusted advisor over a long period of time.
Many of our clients have been with us for decades growing with us. We have acted on engagements involving hundreds of millions of dollars and undertaken work for a few hundred dollars and everything in between.
Our principal aim in everything we do at MLCS is to provide a real solution to the engagement and to give each and every one of our clients, large or small, the assistance they need to be successful in their chosen endeavour.